A while back I started to collect colorful packages from everyday non-toxic products like food, drinks or cosmetics. I feel bad to waste beautiful prints and good quality paper, so I’m trying to find creative ways to upcycle them into beautiful gift tags, price labels or product presentation cards.

Today I will show you how I’m turning this package of chocolate coated peanuts into these creative flower cards. I will start by cutting an A4 sheet of cardboard paper in 9 equal parts. Each part is the base for a gift tag.

Then, I will open my box by cutting it along the bending lines. This will give me easier access to cut different shapes.

I will use a 6-petal flower hole puncher to cut a flower from the bigger green parts of the box. Holding the hole puncher upside down will help me center the paper better and see exactly what I’m cutting. I will also make a few 2.5 cm daisies and from the smaller areas of the box I am cutting some 1 cm daisies.

I want to make a small daisy from this cute peanut here so I’m cutting the package for easier access. And from these chocolate coated peanuts I’m making two big daisies and two small daisies.

Using a regular office hole puncher I’m cutting small circles from the remaining parts of the box and I will use these later for the flowers center parts.

Now it’s time to put everything together. For this I will use an universal glue for multiple surfaces including paper, that is not making the paper wrinkly.

I will start by gluing three flowers on a card base. For this I am holding my flower upside down, add a drop of glue in the center and spread it on the petals with a piece of leftover paper. After gluing my flowers, I’m adding the flower centers, mixing the colors. When everything is done, leave your card for 1 minute under a book or a stack of paper or some other flat heavier object, to make sure everything sticks well together.

You can now draw some stems and some leaves with a black permanent marker and you can also add some color to the leaves. For a more cartoon look, you can add some contour to your flowers. When you finish contouring, you can cut round corners and your card is done.

For my second card I will glue the flowers the same way, trying to maintain a color balance. Once all the flowers are added, put the card for 1 minute under a heavy object. After the card is pressed, it’s time to add the flower centers, mixing the colors. Press again for 1 minute, then cut the excess paper. Round the corners and your second card is done.

To clean up, cut flowers or small circles from the remaining box pieces. Discard the leftovers to the recycle bin and store all these shapes in a small bag to use for future projects.

I hope you enjoyed this project. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok to get our latest handmade and homemade news!